How Does Social Media Control Society?

Imagine You’re at a dinner table, and there’s a buzzing sound. Everyone instinctively reaches for their pockets. Sound familiar? That’s the power of social media in our lives today. It’s like that popular guest at a party – always present, always entertaining.

But here’s the catch: while we think we’re just casual observers at this party, we’re being subtly influenced, nudged, and sometimes even pushed into behaving a certain way. It’s a dance, and social media is leading. The problem? We’re so engrossed in the rhythm that we often don’t realize who’s in control.

Social media controls society by leveraging algorithms to influence our behaviors, emotions, and decisions, often prioritizing platform engagement over individual well-being. Through design techniques and content curation, it shapes narratives, reinforces beliefs, and even dictates modern-day norms and trends.

The agitation? This influence isn’t always in our best interest. But don’t fret; there’s a way to find balance to ensure we lead the dance on our terms.

How Does Social Media Control Society? A Neurological Perspective

Let’s play a game. Think of the last time you posted something on social media. Remember that little thrill when the first like popped up? Or that mini heart-flip when your post got shared? That’s not just you being excited.

That’s your brain releasing a chemical called dopamine. It’s the same thing that happens when you eat your favorite chocolate or get a high-five. Cool, right?Now, platforms like TikTok have mastered this game. They’re like the grandmasters of the dopamine chessboard.

The Allure of Social Media: A Neurological Perspective

Every time you swipe to a new video, and it perfectly matches your taste? That’s TikTok’s algorithm at play, ensuring a dopamine hit. And it’s not just about watching videos. When you get likes, comments, or shares on your quirky dance video, that’s another round of dopamine.

But here’s where it gets even more interesting. This “feel good” factor isn’t just by chance. Social media platforms are designed to maximize these dopamine releases. The more you get, the more you want. It’s a loop. And before you know it, you’re scrolling, liking, and posting for hours, chasing that next dopamine high.

In essence, the very mechanics of these platforms tap into our brain’s reward system, making us come back for more, again and again. It’s a blend of art, science, and a sprinkle of psychology. And boy, is it effective!

Design Techniques That Hook Us In

Ever found yourself thinking, “Just one more post, and I’ll put my phone down,” only to realize an hour has passed? Welcome to the world of infinite scrolling! It’s like a digital buffet, and we just can’t resist taking one more bite.

The idea is simple: by removing the need to click to the next page, we’re more likely to keep consuming content. It’s seamless, effortless, and oh-so-addictive. But while it feels like a leisurely stroll through a digital park, it’s actually a clever design trick to keep us engaged longer.

Then there are those pesky notification bubbles. Those red dots with white numbers? They’re not just random. They play on our innate human curiosity. “Who mentioned me? What did they say?” It’s like a digital tap on the shoulder, a nudge saying, “Hey, look here!” And more often than not, we do.

Lastly, let’s talk about the “Recommended For You” sections. Think of them as a personal shopper, picking out things they believe you’ll love. But instead of clothes, it’s content. Using complex algorithms, platforms analyze our likes, shares, and even the time spent on posts to curate a feed tailored just for us.

It feels personal, intimate even. But remember, it’s all by design. The goal? To keep us scrolling, engaging, and staying on the platform. In a nutshell, these design techniques aren’t just features; they’re well-thought-out strategies, each playing a role in the grand theater of social media engagement. Curtain’s up!

The Double-Edged Sword: Benefits vs. Detriments

Ah, social media! It’s like that one friend who’s both fun and a tad bit overwhelming. On one hand, it’s a fantastic connector. Remember that childhood buddy you lost touch with? Found them on Facebook! Or that niche hobby you thought only you were into? There’s a whole community for it on Instagram. It’s a global town square, buzzing with chatter, information, and entertainment. From heartwarming stories of long-lost siblings reuniting to the latest dance trends that everyone’s trying, social media has truly made the world a smaller, more connected place.

But, like every coin has two sides, there’s a shadow to this digital playground. The constant barrage of picture-perfect lives can be a breeding ground for comparison. “Why is everyone having a better time than me? Why does their life seem so flawless?” These questions can spiral into anxiety and even depression. It’s the modern-day trap, where the line between online personas and reality gets blurred, leading many down a rabbit hole of self-doubt and insecurity.

Moreover, the very design that keeps us hooked can also make us feel isolated. The irony? In a world more connected than ever, many feel more alone than they’ve ever been. The infinite scroll, while entertaining, can also lead to endless hours of passive consumption, robbing us of real-world experiences.

In essence, while social media offers a plethora of opportunities and joys, it’s crucial to approach it with awareness. It’s a tool, and like any tool, its impact depends on how we use it. So, the next time you dive into the digital realm, remember to carry a pinch of mindfulness with you.

Real-Life Impacts: Stories from the Frontlines

Let’s dive into the world of Anna, a college student who, like many of us, started her mornings with a quick scroll on Instagram. Over time, this “quick scroll” turned into hours of diving deep into the lives of influencers, celebrities, and even peers. The glossy images of vacations, perfect bodies, and ideal lifestyles began to weigh on her. She started feeling inadequate, constantly comparing her behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel. The pressure to curate a perfect online persona became so overwhelming that Anna took a social media hiatus to regain her mental peace.

On a broader scale, social media has given birth to phenomena that have left indelible marks on society. Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? It wasn’t just a fun activity but a movement that raised over $115 million for ALS research. This is a testament to the positive power of viral trends.

But then, there’s the other side of the coin: cancel culture. A single tweet from a decade ago can resurface and lead to public shaming, job losses, and severe mental stress. While the intent might be to hold individuals accountable, the mob mentality often lacks nuance, leading to disproportionate consequences.

Also, check How To Tweet Nothing: Art Of Silent Engagement On Twitter

Another poignant tale is that of Jake, a teenager who faced severe backlash for a misunderstood comment online. The incident escalated to the point where he faced bullying both online and offline, pushing him to seek therapeutic intervention.

These stories aren’t anomalies; they’re reflective of the immense power and reach of social media. They underscore the fact that while platforms can be tools for positive change, they can also amplify negativity. It’s a delicate balance, one that society is still learning to navigate. As we move forward, it’s essential to remember the human behind every username and approach the digital realm with empathy and understanding.

See Also: How Does Social Media Affect Court Cases? 

Strategies to Reclaim Control

Ever felt like you’re on a merry-go-round, and social media’s the one spinning it? You’re not alone. But here’s the good news: you can grab the reins and take control. How? Let’s dive in!

  1. Digital Detox: Think of it as a vacation, but for your mind. A digital detox is all about taking a break from screens, especially social media. And the benefits? Immense! It’s like giving your brain a spa day. You’ll find yourself more present, less anxious, and with a renewed sense of clarity. Plus, when you return, you’ll likely have a fresher perspective on your social media habits.
  2. Setting Boundaries: Remember when parents set TV time limits? It’s time to parent yourself a bit. Set specific times for checking social media. Maybe it’s 20 minutes in the morning and 20 in the evening. Use app limit features to stick to your goals. It’s like having a digital alarm clock that says, “Alright, that’s enough scrolling for now!”
  3. Mindful Consumption: Here’s a fun experiment. Next time you’re on social media, ask yourself: “Am I actively engaging or just mindlessly scrolling?” Being an active user means you’re choosing what to consume, commenting thoughtfully, and sharing content that resonates. On the flip side, passive scrolling can often lead to overconsumption and the dreaded comparison trap.

In the grand theater of social media, it’s easy to feel like just an audience member. But remember, you’re also the director of your digital life. With a sprinkle of awareness and a dash of discipline, you can ensure that your social media experience is both enjoyable and empowering. So, ready to take the lead?


How do social media platforms control user behavior?

Through algorithms, platforms curate content that aligns with user preferences, creating echo chambers that reinforce existing beliefs and behaviors.

Is the influence of social media on society positive or negative?

It's a double-edged sword. While social media fosters connection and information sharing, it can also amplify peer pressure, create feelings of inadequacy, and spread misinformation.

How does social media contribute to the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO)?

Seeing peers participate in activities or attain milestones, often portrayed idealistically, can induce feelings of exclusion or the sense that one is missing out on life experiences.

Can individuals counteract the controlling effects of social media?

Yes, through digital detoxes, setting app limits, and practicing mindful consumption, individuals can regain control over their social media use.

Why do people feel peer pressure on social media?

The constant comparison, need for validation through likes/comments, and the curated ‘perfect’ lives others portray can create a sense of peer pressure to conform or measure up.


It’s time for a heart-to-heart with our digital selves. Let’s take a moment to evaluate our social media habits. Are they serving us, or are we serving them? If it’s the latter, it might be time for a change. Start small. Maybe it’s unfollowing accounts that no longer resonate or bring joy.

Perhaps it’s setting a strict bedtime, free from screens. Or it could be dedicating specific times in the day for mindful, purposeful social media consumption. The goal isn’t to demonize or abandon these platforms but to use them to enrich our lives. After all, a healthier digital life leads to a happier real life.

So, as you move forward in this digital age, remember to carry with you a sense of purpose and intentionality. Let’s make our time online count, ensuring that every scroll, click, and like aligns with the life we aspire to live. Ready to embark on this journey?